In the 1960’s he made Flipper, a film that has inspired adults and children alike to discover the underwater world. Continuing on this theme he made Flipper’s New Adventure in 1964 and in the same year created the famous TV series “Flipper”. During 1966 Ivan filmed Namu, the Killer Whale and Around the World Under the Sea, filming Hello Down There in 1969. During the 1970’s Ivan was responsible for the TV series The Aquarians, Primus (1971) and Salty in 1974.
Ivan Tours contribution to the creative development and innovation in the specialized world of underwater cinematography is vast considering the period during the 1950’s when very few ventured forth into the underwater kingdom, least of all carrying movie equipment with them. It is with this in mind that makes Ivan Tors such an outstanding figure in the world of underwater cinematography, his films have inspired generations of people to investigate and understand the underwater world for themselves.